Episode 12 – The gift of dissociation

Today we go through the topic of dissociation which is a widely common state that many people are living their whole lives from. -What is dissociation? -The Polyvagal curve -The gift of dissociation is survival, surviving pain. -Triggers of dissociation -Strategies to become more present and connected to oneself Dissociation is a response in our…

15 minutes of… Commitment with Mark

Today we will deep-dive into a relevant topic: commitment. Commitment is a major attribute of our life that affects relationships, work, money, health, and personal power. Problems that arise with commitment are usually linked to either over-committing or under-committing. Over-committing can stem from people-pleasing and scattered focus; while under-committing can stem from fear, lack of…

15 minutes of… Setting yourself up for success

What success really comes down to is preparing your autonomic nervous system for reaching success in your life we will also explain how we allow your mind-body-spirit to receive the changes that this shift requires. As you ground and reconnect your autonomic nervous system, you will start to process old experiences and events that are…

Episode 11 – The Myth Of Tiredness

Today we are taking a deeper look at the myth of tiredness. This is especially interesting for you who are experiencing low energy levels or find yourself with stress or burned-out symptoms. This is most likely because your autonomic nervous system is overactivated to the point where the brain has started to “dissociate” itself from…

Avsnitt 39 – People Pleasing

Idag djupdyker vi i people pleasing och vad det är som händer i kroppen när vi inte håller hälsosamma gränser och står trygga i vår sanning. People pleasing kostar ofantliga mängder energi och grundar sig i en reaktion från nervsystemet.

Simba’s personal results of the TRE® provider training

Today we will share the benefits and successful results that Simba had during his TRE Provider Training Program, and how it has benefitted him personally and professionally. A clear theoretical and practical approach to befriending myself, and learning why I have certain patterns and behaviors in my everyday life. The positive results and benefits of…

Episode 10 – Power Soul Retrieval & Shamanic Healing

Kevin B. Turner, Director for FSS – Foundation of Shamanic Studies Asia is joining us today to talk about Power Soul Retrieval. Kevin is a full-time shamanic practitioner and has trained with Michael Harner and the FSS since 1997. Today’s topic is around the Shamanic Practice “Power Soul Retrieval”, the autonomic nervous system dissociation, and…

Episode 9 – How To Express Healthy Anger

Today we follow up on the conversation from the last episode regarding people-pleasing, as one of the main underlying emotions that could resurface as we are setting healthy boundaries, is the emotion of anger. Joan McDonald is visiting us again and we discuss the topic of healthy anger and how we can navigate this emotion…