The Candida Herbal Protocol -It has now been one week for me and my Detox and here is Sara’s Candida Update #2.
In this Candida Herbal Protocol update I want to share a bit about the herbal protocol I am currently on. As I was researching my herbal options I decided to order from a couple of different suppliers. I fastest and cheapest options is of course to go local. Thailand has a wide range of medicinal herbs and I am sure there are plenty more options out there than the ones I have found. I have ordered from Thai Organic Life:
-Herb Support Candida & Parasite Cleanse
-Herbal Detox Formula
-Neem Leaf capsules
Sara’s Candida Detox Herbal Protocol on YouTube
The first week was surprisingly deep on a physical, emotional and energetical level. I did not expect the detox symptoms to come so strong and come so fast. After only a couple of days I started to get strong stomach cramps and have a lot of release through the bowels. Together with the cramps I had a slight fever and also big emotional and energetical detoxification symptoms.I was connecting to emotions that has been kept down for along period of time and was experiencing anger, sadness and frustrations. I started to see very clearly how these parasites are interlinked with my emotions, my habits and my belief systems. Very, very powerful.
After about 3 days the intense detox symptoms started to clam down, but they are still coming back strong at times. Every day there is something new coming up and to be honest it is quite challenging. But that also means that I found a huge treasure.
If you have any questions, please let me know and if you have more tips on local herbs that are powerful for fungus and parasites, please let me know. Contact me HERE!
Much love!