Episode 16 – Interview by Mireille Wagner
In today’s episode, we have our friend Mireille Wagner hosting us and interviewing us about our personal transformations and journey that we have made, and that is the basis for our professional practices.
In today’s episode, we have our friend Mireille Wagner hosting us and interviewing us about our personal transformations and journey that we have made, and that is the basis for our professional practices.
Allow TRE® (tension/trauma release exercises) to change your life and access deeper states of grounding, allowing for a deeper awareness of how to solve your life’s most significant challenges. TRE® is a highly recommended treatment for men and women suffering from fatigue, stress, trauma, stored emotions, and negative behavioral patterns. TRE® activates the body’s natural…
Idag gästas podden av Lina från Food Pharmacy där vi fokuserar på fasta och de hälsofördelar som vi ser och har erfarenhet av gällande olika typer av fasta. Vi pratar även om självläkning och hur mycket livsstilen påverkar vår hälsa och vårt välmående.
Have you ever had or realized behaviors in yourself and others that you cannot describe? Where you know the behaviors, yet they still happen over and over again. Chances are high that you have entered a part of the autonomic nervous system called dissociation, a survival state that allows your brain to defend itself from…
In today’s 15 minutes, we will cover turning procrastination into success. Procrastination usually appears as unwanted and uninvited guests when we are about to shift or challenge ourselves in a new aspect. Let’s examine why discipline or hard work isn’t the answer and why deeper underlying issues occur. Today’s topic will cover the following questions: Why…
In this episode, we share one of our main practices here at Living with The Spirit. What is TRE? Why do we love it so much? How do we use it for ourselves and our clients and how can you practice or learn TRE with us?
In today’s 15 minutes, we will do a short introduction about the healing modality known as TRE, and we will also share how TRE has benefitted us personally and professionally and how the teaching of the autonomic nervous system through the polyvagal lens has changed our way of working with people forever. Please send us…
Idag kör vi ett mer personligt avsnitt där vi delar med oss om vad som händer i våra privata liv, vår egna läkning och vad vi kan se mer av framöver.
Today I sit down with Tanja, who has been at our retreat for six weeks working on deep chronic pain from surviving a severe plane crash five years ago. Tanja shares how she has completely changed her relationship with her pain in this interview. Join in on this incredible journey to hear about Tanja’s experience…
Today we will discuss as part of an ongoing conversation about masculine energy as Sara mentors Mark in his journey to strengthen his healthy masculine energy. The masculine and feminine energies are meant to be compatible and complementary to each other. Both energies can sense when the other is out of alignment when we trust…