Sarah and Simba were the most important people in my journey of healing and growth! As a teenager I took drugs, ran away from home, became a criminal and so on. Years later I stopped and turned my life around 180 degrees.
As time went on I realized that I was still struggling to overcome the impact of those days and that they affected my present and future. So I began my journey of healing and growth through sessions at Living with the Spirit.
Over the last two years we have worked on taking responsibility, forgiving, healing, communicating, thinking and feeling constructively, staying present, asserting myself, finding my purpose, doing what feels right, and more.
We played sports, worked on my posture, healed sports injuries, did tension and trauma release exercises and meditation.
I can’t tell you how grateful I am! They have had such a positive influence on my daily life and happiness. I am very happy to highly recommend their work!