Common Corrective Exercises
Corrective exercises work with faulty or inefficient movement patterns or misalignments in our bodies..
Whether it is from injury, overuse of muscles and tendons in unfavorable ways, biological heritage such a hallux valgus & hallux varus effects in the foot and knee joint.
We can adhere to the use of faulty movement pattern for many reasons and this is many times the root cause for why people seek out different therapists such as, osteopath, chiropractors, physio and/or massage therapists.
How Corrective Exercises Work
The symptoms is usually what the individual is seeking remedy for when contracting any kind of body work, and the root cause is many times due to a lifestyle that contains a lot of sedentary activities such as sitting in front of a computer or a desk.
It can also come from the unresolved coping mechanisms past a physical injury. .
Fo example a broken bone usually heels within 4-6 weeks, but the fear of using this limb after it is healed can still remain and causing us to use a different set of muscles and movement patterns to avoid putting any stress on the affected area even when the injury is fully healed and recovered.
The most common misalignments comes from not fully developed core muscular control, feet, knee, hip and spinal misalignments. Some of the most common symptoms experienced among our clients are: stiff shoulders, neck, upper and lower back.
All stated symptom usually has a root cause in not properly using our core muscles right, stiffness our hyper mobility in our joints and skeletal system. When we use our muscles right and in a balanced and equilibrated manner it usually does not produce any kind of pain or discomfort. Because or bodies are designed to support us our entire life.
We start off by properly assessing your: mobility, stability, posture, core condition functions, primal movement patterns and lifestyle habits in order to choose the right corrective exercises for your needs..
Once we have gathered the right amount of information we will incorporate the corrective exercises into your workout regime in order to make you feel more balanced, stable, flexible and to achieve your desired direction necessary to support your body in any given lifestyle..
Simply put if you imagine your body is a soccer team with a fixed number of players, which symbolises our muscles. Then the team will not perform well without a good teamwork where all the players are engaged and cooperating.
How is your body feeling?
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