I was really in a desperate situation after having a motorbike accident and being stuck in a place with no physical therapy. Simba reached out to me after I made a Fb post. We had an initial free online consultation and immediately I felt that he understood what my body needed. He gave me a couple simple exercises to do to help relieve my pain.
We talked about me coming by for a treatment when I was able to make it to Chiang Mai. I never felt any pressure or obligation but instead felt it would be good for me to see him in person.
When the time was right, I stopped by his lovely Living with the Spirit location. I felt immediately welcome. My arm felt so much better after the 1 1/2 hr treatment.Sure, it wasn’t always pleasant when he was working on my shoulder but I knew that he knew what he was doing. After being home for a few weeks, many hours from LwtS, I realised that my body needed more intensive therapy to fully heal. So after more discussion, without feeling any pressure, I decided to come for a week.
It was a GREAT decision. I had such a good time, getting 2 treatments a day, doing a cleanse for 5 days, feeling so supported in my healing process. Sara always made sure that my fasting drink was ready for me.
The staff at the house was so lovely and always full of smiles.
I really enjoyed my week there. I can’t wait to tell more people about it!
Now, after the time, I’m still doing the exercises that were given to me to help regain full movement in my body.
Simba really knows what he’s doing. So does Sara. 5 star recommendation!!
Sarah Cura