Befriending The Nervous System. This week we will be joined by our beloved TRE Teacher Trainer and friend Lori Ann-Arsenault. Lori has been living in Thailand since 2010, Lori is a Global TRE Certification Trainer, Aliveness Coach, and the Founder & CEO of Freedom Within Wellness, a leading coaching, and certification training services provider specializing in the dynamic practice of Tension Releasing Exercises or TRE and GROUNDING. Prior to her Coaching and TRE work, Lori worked for 20 years in Human Resources in her home province in Canada. She is very well known for her natural joyful and authentic grounded presence. Her passion is guiding humanity inward to reconnect with themselves and live out their truest potential. Lori is also known for sharing in a very practical, clear, effective, and direct way. She very naturally creates a safe, fun, and nurturing environment in which deep life-changing openings and experiences occur! We are so blessed to have her join our podcast, and for you all to be able to experience her nurturing grounding teachings. Tune in live on YouTube, Friday, January 27 at 4 PM BKK time, or listen to the replay on Spotify or Apple Podcasts. DM us your questions. Direct links are available in our profile!