This week we are joined by our main teacher the Intuitive Empath Lujan Matus.
Lujan Matus is a fully embodied master, teacher, empath, and healer and shares his open heart and radiant laughter with all of his students all over the world.
He is the author of many books and teaches the ancient traditional energy healing and martial arts form system called Lo Ban Pai.
Lujan Matus is the teacher who has taught both Sara And Simbas teacher and initiated them on the path of healing, living from the heart, and being of service to mankind.
We are honored to have him with us today to share about the healing process of mankind, and how your devotion to being, living, and breathing in your purpose makes a great impact on the world at large.
Welcome to a very special episode today!
Much love and many blessings/
Sara & Simba