The Four Pillars of health is much like a car with four wheels, we all need each wheel to work to propel us forward towards our purpose. We also need each component to be whole so that we can drive there in a balanced manner without wearing ourselves out. The reason we choose the four pillars of health as a model to work with personal development is that it is laying the foundation from which all other processes can grow from.
-How can we ever expect to make any long-lasting change if we do not have these basic pillars in order?
-Have energy over at the end of your days?
-Make sure that your body is strong and producing anti-aging hormones as you grow older?
-Keep your body light and mobile?
How can we have the ability to:
– Regulate emotions, thoughts, feelings, impulses.
– Work through traumas, addictive behaviors, negative patterns, depression, anxiety, fears, phobias, limiting self-belief, PTSD or any kind of unwanted results from our previous events in life if we do no even master the ability to eat, sleep, move properly in our life?
If you do not eat properly, your body is going to replace its damaged and broken cells with lesser materials, essentially your body will consist of second hand made resources. Food can either be medicine or food can be poison. As nature intended, our food is our medicine and will allow the body to heal itself as it was designed to do. Food will help to heal you if the food is whole, plant-based food from nature – vegetables and fruit, whole sprouted grains, seeds, nuts, beans, and legumes – as these foods provide maximum nutrition and minimum calories.
If you do not sleep, your brain won’t work properly, your focus and mental capacity becomes restricted and reduced severely. The chance to grow multiple illnesses and ill conditions in your body increases significantly as well. This involves sleep, meditation, restorative habits like knowing when to take a break from any task or activity. This is important to manage our mental, emotional and physical health better in our everyday life and to maintain energy levels balanced.
If you do not move your body properly and regularly your joints, bones, and muscles will harden, decay, and start to atrophy as they are no longer deemed necessary to have according to the natural laws. You will also have a lot of stagnated energy, toxins, and a lack of positive hormones that are usually stimulated after physical exercises and activities. The way we move will ultimately determine how our mind-body-spirit is shaped and interacts with each other. Your body is a temple of unlimited health potential if you treat it accordingly with nurturing daily physical activities.
If you have failed to complete all of the previous steps imagine:
How much energy will there be left to quell an emotional, mental, physical, or spiritual setback in your life?
To handle the many stressors that life puts on us?
Regulate your emotions in relationships with others?
Organ imbalances create distress in the human body?
This is a result of improper nutrition and an unbalanced lifestyle. If your parathyroid is not working properly you can be more susceptible to depression, if your thyroid functions are low you can have a hard time losing weight, if your thyroid is overactive you can have a hard time putting on weight for example.
This pillar involves: Introspection, grounding practices, increasing body awareness, expressing emotions from a grounded place, understanding emotions and their impacts on the body, deeper practices of mindfulness, Buddhistic acceptance practices, emotional intelligence cultivation for self-empowerment.
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