Ever wondered what happens when experienced practitioners get together in a safe and trusted space to explore the balance of masculine and feminine energies?
In this episode, we take you inside the world of our TRE® (Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises) retreats, where deep emotional releases and nervous system healing unfold. These gatherings are designed not just to teach, but to create a space for deep emotional releases and nervous system healing. Practitioners emerge with enhanced skills, new insights, and a stronger connection to their true selves.
You’ll hear about how we blend different modalities to help people really connect with their true selves and take their TRE® skills to the next level. If you’re curious about how TRE® can impact your nervous system and practice, this episode is for you.
TRE® retreat:
Learn hands-on interventions & combine TRE® with somatic modalities at our 5-day TRE® retreat: https://healthclub.livingwiththespirit.com/treretreat2024
TRE® provider training program:
Become a TRE® provider and elevate your personal and professional life this October: https://livingwiththespirit.com/tre-provider-training-program/